1.17凌晨洛杉矶机房维护通知 |
Dear 222 Customer, Due to the abnormal core equipment in LA data center. We have a scheduled hardware replacement in this data center. During this time, there is no impact normally. Low risk will be packet loss for a short time. Please inform relevant personnel about this scheduled maintenance and prepare any necessary data backup in advance. Location: LA data center Pacific Time: 2018-01-16 08:00--2018-01-16 10:00 Beijing Time: 2018-01-17 00:00--2018-01-17 02:00 Maintenance type: Hardware replacement Services Impacted: Network services Expected Impact: There is no impact normally. Low risk will be packet loss for a short time. 尊敬的三二互联 客户, 因发现LA核心设备系统异常,我们计划于1.17凌晨对洛杉矶机房的设备进行硬件更换。 维护期间,正常情况下无影响,极端情况网络可能出现瞬时丢包现象。 请通知相关部门做出必要的准备工作。 维护地点: 洛杉矶机房 太平洋维护时间: 2018-01-16 08:00--2018-01-16 10:00 北京维护时间: 2018-01-17 00:00--2018-01-17 02:00 维护类型: 硬件更换 维护影响: 网络服务 预期影响: 正常情况下无影响,极端情况可能出现瞬时丢包现象。 请不要直接回复此邮件地址。如您有任何疑问请联系我们值班客服。 由此给贵司带来的不便之处,敬请谅解。 |